Kaipataki Youth Facility
A well-used 1970s community building, the Marlborough Park Hall was in need of an update to respond to the dynamic needs of the groups using the facility and to bring it up to compliance with the relevant codes and accessibility standards.
The building is sited back from the road, isolated from other buildings with a car park in the foreground and a park beyond. The addition of a bold canopy over the entry draws people to the building and presents a defined entrance visible from the street.
The slatted canopy filters the light and provides a buffer to the reception area, which was opened right up to reveal the park through the other side, upon entry. The language of the canopy is reflected on the North/park side, offering a generous, sheltered space opening out to the park and playground.
Removal of the low-slung ceiling lining offered greater volume in the reception space, and interesting geometries were created by lining the trusses in the roof space. The unique ceilings continue through to the main hall, with the warmth of acoustic plywood ceiling panelling bringing life to the space.
The kitchen was expanded, allowing for group cooking which is an important aspect of community-held events. A large servery window offers the ability to connect to the reception area for informal events.
Photography © Ross Keane