Karanga Pavilion
Karanga Pavilion is part of the Jellicoe Precinct, the social and cultural heart of the Auckland waterfront, supported by an array of surrounding retail and entertainment activities and facilities.
The Pavilion sits in a prime location along the waterfront axis; an elongated ‘spine’ which connects the CBD waterfront and Viaduct Harbour (East), with the Wynyard Precinct (West) along Auckland’s waterfront. This portion of the waterfront axis is part of a significant pedestrian and cycle route which forms part of the gateway experience to Wynyard Quarter for public approaching east over Te Wero bridge.
The Pavilion is located at the western edge of Karanga Plaza, an area of public open space located south of the Viaduct Events Centre. The kiosk showcases the history and future prospects of Karanga plaza and Wynyard Quarter with information and interactive displays to promote education and public connection.
The new Karanga Pavilion was designed to replace the existing kiosk which was a temporary structure made from an assembly of eight 20 foot and one 15 foot shipping containers in two parts.
The first part of the new Pavilion is a stacked pair of containers which forms a marker for the Wynyard area. It contains extensive electronic equipment storage; including NZ Police surveillance, Met Service and Harbour Bridge Controls as well as two public toilets (one accessible) at its base.
The second part houses the information kiosk, an arrangement of 2 containers with openings to the east and the west. A small office is contained in one space, with the main adjacent space functioning as a display & information area. Volunteers operate the kiosk and along with the displays, provide information on the history and development plans for the greater Wynyard area.
Photography © Simon Devitt